What men really find least attractive about women

The controversial thread asked the question: 'What is something women think makes them more attractive to men while men think it makes them less attractive?' 
Over the past few months the conversation has drawn answers like making duck faces, too much make-up and shawls that look like they belong to a female's grandmother.

A new thread on Reddit in the 'Ask Men' section has garnered mixed views on what men find the least attractive about women (file photo)
A new thread on Reddit in the 'Ask Men' section has garnered mixed views on what men find the least attractive about women (file photo)
The controversial thread asked the question: 'What is something women think makes them more attractive to men while men think it makes them less attractive?'
Over the past few weeks the conversation has drawn answers like making duck faces, long nails (pictured) too much make-up and shawls that look like they belong to a female's grandmother
Over the past few weeks the conversation has drawn answers like making duck faces, long nails (pictured) too much make-up and shawls that look like they belong to a female's grandmother

One Reddit user said: 'Loads of makeup. Like when you've got so much on it almost looks like a mask. Like if I dragged my nail across your cheek I'd scrape up thick slivers of it.'
Another remarked that he had a personal issue with 'red nail polish'.
Several people have commented about their ultimate unattractive things women can do to repel men away.
'That cutesy little girl voice. It's NEVER sexy,' one user said. 
Women acting 'too ditzy' and those who use lip, butt or breast implants were also among the traits that most users loathed. 
Not to mention that some men apparently find high waist pants, short hair cuts, elaborate nails and beach blonde hair unattractive.  
Not to mention that some men apparently find high waist pants, short hair cuts (pictured), elaborate nails and beach blonde hair unattractive
Not to mention that some men apparently find high waist pants, short hair cuts (pictured), elaborate nails and beach blonde hair unattractive
And as eyebrow filling becomes a mainstream trend in beauty and fashion, one Reddit user believes drawing them on and filling them in 'looks ridiculous and very unattractive to me'. 
But one user encouraged women to not take anything away from the thread. 
'Women should act for themselves, i.e. whatever they feel like wearing or doing, they should do as long as it makes them happy. 
'I don't think women should dress or act based on what some men find unattractive.'

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