WWE star John Cena has a powerful message on patriotism for Independence Day

Normally, you can't see him.
But John Cena delivered an eye-opening message about patriotism on Independence Day.
The WWE star filmed a video for the Ad Council asking people to picture the average American, before revealing some jarring statistics on who exactly the average American was.
You can see me: John Cena delivered a eye-opening message about patriotism on Independence Day
You can see me: John Cena delivered a eye-opening message about patriotism on Independence Day
'Patriotism. There’s a word thrown around a lot,' he tells the camera as he strides towards it in the single take.
 'It inspires passionate debate. It’s worn like a badge of honor, and with good reason. Cause it means love and devotion for one’s country,' he continues. 'Love? For a word to designed to unite, it can also be pretty divisive.'
The 39-year-old wrestler then asks the viewer to close their eyes picture the 'average American'.
'Think about it. How old are they? What’s their hair like? How much can they bench? You got one? Okay. 
Picture it: The WWE star filmed a video for the Ad Council asking people to picture the average American, before revealing some jarring statistics on who exactly the average American was
Picture it: The WWE star filmed a video for the Ad Council asking people to picture the average American, before revealing some jarring statistics on who exactly the average American was
Ladies: He points out that of the 319million people living in the US, 51% are female. 'So first off, the average American is a woman. Cool, huh? Is that what you pictured?' he asks
Ladies: He points out that of the 319million people living in the US, 51% are female. 'So first off, the average American is a woman. Cool, huh? Is that what you pictured?' he asks
'So chances are, the person you’re picturing right now looks a little different than the real average American.
He goes on to point out that of the 319million people living in the US, 51% are female.
'So first off, the average American is a woman. Cool, huh? Is that what you pictured?' he asks.
'54 million are Latino. 40 million senior citizens. 27 million are disabled. 18 million are Asian. That’s more people in the U.S. than play football and baseball combined,' he goes on.
'Nine million are lesbian, gay, bi, transgender - more than the entire amount of people that live in the state of Virginia.
All inclusive: As he walks, the unnamed town behind him is filled with people from all the different groups he has just mentioned
All inclusive: As he walks, the unnamed town behind him is filled with people from all the different groups he has just mentioned
Labels: 'We know that labels don’t devalue us, they help define us. Keeping us dialed into our cultures and our beliefs in who we are - as Americans,' he says
Labels: 'We know that labels don’t devalue us, they help define us. Keeping us dialed into our cultures and our beliefs in who we are - as Americans,' he says
'Around 10 million are redhead, 5.1 million play Ultimate Frisbee and 3.5 million are Muslim... triple the number of people currently serving in the United States military.'
As he walks, the unnamed town behind him is filled with people from all the different groups he has just mentioned.
'We know that labels don’t devalue us, they help define us. Keeping us dialed into our cultures and our beliefs in who we are - as Americans. After all, what’s more American than freedom to celebrate the things that make us, us?
Ask yourself: He claims that the second 'any of us judge people based on those labels? We’re not really being patriotic, are we?'
Ask yourself: He claims that the second 'any of us judge people based on those labels? We’re not really being patriotic, are we?'
Love: 'This year, maybe you feel the urge to don those star-spangled shorts and set off fireworks the size of my biceps and show love for our country?' he concludes
Love: 'This year, maybe you feel the urge to don those star-spangled shorts and set off fireworks the size of my biceps and show love for our country?' he concludes
He claims that the second 'any of us judge people based on those labels? We’re not really being patriotic, are we?'
'This year, maybe you feel the urge to don those star-spangled shorts and set off fireworks the size of my biceps and show love for our country?' he concludes.
'Remember that to love America is to love all Americans. Because love has no labels.'
The Prototype: Cena has won 24 championships with the wrestling organisation, including two Royal Rumble victories
The Prototype: Cena has won 24 championships with the wrestling organisation, including two Royal Rumble victories

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